I have realized the past few days that there are SO many different perspectives to have on a certain situation.
To see things the way He sees things. Through a different lens, His lens.
Wednesday I got to see Port au Prince in a new way. From the mountain top looking down and out over the city.
There are so many things going on in my life, good and not so good. But I believe God is trying to have me see it in a different perspective.
He does do all things for our good.
I have faith in that.
When living down in the concrete jungle of PAP, you forget what beauty this island has to offer.
Drive up a windy, bumpy, rocky road to the top of the mountains just a 45 minute drive from our home in Delmas 31 and you get to this beautiful place that overlooks all of PAP. With alive vegetation, fresh air to fill my lungs, and a peace of quiet that is welcomed.
God brought me here to love. My relationship with Him is growing stronger and stronger through these trials and with that I am able to love even more.
" instead we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the church." ephesians 4:15
I could be having a different experience here, but with the Lords mercy I am able to look to Him to suppress my anger & frustration. To take a step back and see things in a different way. Why this happened, why that is happening, what is going to happen? I can't answer these questions but God is slowly revealing them to me.
I am in total surrender to God, asking Him to carry these burdens with me and to see how He is teaching me. That He is growing me to be strong in the Body of Christ.
"but those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the SPirit. So let's not get tired of doing what is good. at just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." galatians 6:8
I am not giving up. God is moving. He is working. I can't wait to see what blessings He will pour out.
Don't think there is always one way to see things. We are all uniquely created, therefor we all have a different perspective. This is a lifetime challenge I believe Christ gives us. Always refining who we are in Him. Always striving to see things the way He wants us to.
In Christ's Love
Praying for you Em! I don't know your frustrations, but I hope God will give you what you need to be at peace!! Thank you for loving those out of our "reach."