Tuesday, February 11, 2014

little people. Big things.

God has been reminding me over and over again you do not need to be "SKILLED" to do everything.

David wasn't skilled, wasn't a soldier yet God graced Him with power to do the unimaginable. 
Something that men who were soldiers, skilled & strong were running away from. 

WIth God by his side, he brought Goliath to the ground with a small pebble. 

With that small pebble he made a HUGE ripple in history.

" You come to me with a sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven's Armies- the God of the armies of Israel. whom you have defied." 1 Samuel 17:45

I don't know what God has planned for me, all I know is one of my small pebbles is becoming a midwife. That small thing in my life will make a BIG difference in the lives of the women in Haiti -- that I pray.

What is your pebble that will make a difference in someones life, in your city, in this world?

Don't let people look down on you because when you do things in the name of God, which I am discovering takes all the worry away, He can do things that you could never imagine. 

" So David triumphed over the Philistine with ONLY a sling and a stone, for he had no sword." 1 Samuel 17:50

He is showing me that I can do anything with Him.

Almost one year ago I came to Haiti, He changed my life, Forever. 

I never imagined that I would be living here, even more is that I never imagined that He would want me to become a midwife --- delivering babies. WHAT?!

{{{ Amazing what a year can make, what surrendering your life to God can truly do, when you allow Him to call the shots }}}

Espwa Berlancia is still small, yet Rhyan and I know that God has BIG things planned for us. 

We see the seed He is planting in our hearts for serving these women. 

  • We will be expanding to another location where we can just see the growth not only in this ministry, ourselves but in the women who God brings into our pregnancy program. This house will be a place of safety for these women who will come weekly to receive check ups, a nutritious meal, education classes & support. 

We have the opportunity to purchase an incredible amount of furniture for an awesome deal that will furnish the whole house. 

-----> This is a small pebble for the ministry that will make a huge impact down the road. <-----

Will you be a David and help us throw this pebble to make a difference in a ladies life by providing a comfortable seat for her?

We need to raise $1,200. 

That will purchase : a stove, refrigerator, water dispenser, 2 full mattresses, a dining room table, living room set, inverter & batteries and various small kitchen items. 

These may not seem a huge deal, but to us it is. We would not be able to purchase these things for this price, and all at once for that matter. This will allow us to focus on allowing more women into our program to serve and allowing God to expand Espwa Berlancia even further. 

If you would like to donate to our Furniture Fund Click the button below. 

Any amount is more then helpful as we can't do this without your support.

As I write this I am sitting listening to our neighbors chatting, the warmth of the sun filling this room, the birds chirping, the green bamboo swaying in the cool tropical breeze. I am grateful for this life. I trust God with my whole heart. I know that He will provide if it is His will. What an amazing peace that He is blessing me with. He sure is placing me, a small pebble, in the right place and I can't wait to see where He will throw our desires and the effects that will come of that.

" Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's Purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

I am thankful that with each sunset I can look forward to a new sunrise. An excitement of what tomorrow will bring. What God will show me.

In Christ's Love

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