Friday, October 10, 2014

17 Again. >> words from a mother.

God put a craving in my heart to learn more what its like to become a mother at such a young age.

to be able to love that much more. 
the amazing, strong, warriors that I will be supporting.
their babies that I will be guiding into this world. 
the mothers whose young age doesn't define them anymore.
but their love, strength, and sacrifice that they have for their babies do. 
They are the mothers who break barriers of the title they are given. 
and show this world that women are more then capable & strong at any age.

Thank you.
not only for loving your child.
but encouraging all those young mothers around the world who don't think they can do it.
I pray for you daily.
for those sweet moments with your snuggle bug, for those moments alone of rest and rejuvenation you so deserve, and for those moments you fall further in love with being a mother.

Here are words from a friend who I grew up with. I remember so many fun memories with Kirsten, one of which I will always remember her love for pigs.

She is inspiring, so encouraging and I am so proud of the woman and mother she has become.

To be a Teenager  Again:

Growing up I was the same as any other high school girl. I was lucky that I had an extremely supportive and loving family, was part of a competitive dance group and spent a lot of time with my friends. I also had a few boyfriends, including the one who changed my life forever. Most weekends you could find me out with my friends at parties, which lead to me having sex for my first time at only 13 years old. My parents had talked to me about the consequences of sex and I had even taken a Child Psychology class in high school that taught me more about sex prevention and children. However, I was naïve, stuck in the mindset “that won’t happen to me, things like that don’t happen to girls like me.”

It DID Happen to Me:

I quickly learned my mentality was wrong. The beginning of my senior year, at just 17 years old I became pregnant. Things seemed to be on a downward spiral after that. I had to quit dance, finish high school as a pregnant teen, the ONLY pregnant teen in school, and was unable to do the same things my friends were doing. My life revolved around going to doctors’ appointments and resting whenever I could find time between school and homework.  I was no longer with my boyfriend; instead I was exhausted, scared and extremely alone. My family was very supportive, but I wanted my old life back, I wanted to be able to do the things every other 17-year-old girl was doing.

24+ Hours of Pain:

After 9 months and 10 days of being pregnant I was induced. My mom stayed with me for the entire 24+ hours I was in labor as my only support system aside from the nurses and doctors. After what seemed like forever, I finally delivered the most beautiful, precious baby girl. Whether I knew it or not, this little girl was going to change my life…forever. 
I quickly learned through trial and error and with the help of nurses and family members how to care for her and meet her needs. However, I did not have it all figured out. Even though my baby was born, I was still beyond scared. My life was changing before my eyes and there was no reverse button. Little did I know, my life was just beginning.

My New Life:

Life with my baby girl was a completely new existence. As all my friends left for college, I was living at my mom’s house tending to my baby 24/7. Although I loved her with every ounce of my being, my life was different than my friends and I was still lonely. My nights were without sleep and days were spent juggling motherhood and going to school online. With the ongoing support from my family I was able to go to college online during the day and work in the evenings, along with everything else on my plate. I also went to high schools to speak about pregnancy prevention with other teen girls. This allowed me to share my story and experiences, hopefully helping other girls chose and easier path in life. My life was beyond draining, but it was not impossible. I was determined to make the best life for my baby and I that I could. 

5 Years Later:

Looking back on the last 5 years of my life is truly amazing. I am able to celebrate completing college, having a job and providing a house for my family. Raising my child as a single mother was not and still is not easy, in fact it has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but it is also the most rewarding. Our lives are extremely busy and I face new challenges every week, but I am not alone. I have the most wonderful support system in the world and an amazing, beautiful, sassy little 5-year-old. I am not able to provide everything I would like for my family, but I am working towards it every day.

**My advice to other teen moms:
- Do NOT do it alone. Find support where ever you can and accept help from others. 

-Do not give up on your dreams, although they may take longer to achieve, you can do anything you set your mind to. 

~ Kirsten 

Thank you Kirsten for being an amazing mother. 
For opening up and allowing others to read about your life. 
You have one lucky daughter. She is going to look back and be so thankful for all the sacrifices you made on her behalf. 

Please pray for Kirsten and her daughter. for protection. endurance. guidance. and the continual growth of their mother daughter bond that is so special. 

Please pray for all those mothers right now who are in labor, who are about to meet their baby for the first time. Pray for an immense overwhelming love with that first cry. For healing of their body. And continual strength in this lifelong journey.

To all you mothers. 
You are rockstars. 
and I can't wait to be one with you someday. 

In Christ's Love
Emily Elizabeth

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