Sunday, April 17, 2016


that hazy fog.
the thick, burdened feeling. 
something weighing on your heart.
your hands. 
your mind. 

you can't pin point it. 
the why's.
the words.
the emotions.

but its there. 
in the distance. 
ahead of you and behind you.
following you like your shadow. 

you plead for clarity.
a connection to be made. 
God, what are you trying to tell me?
what is it you want me to see?
why do I feel this way?

Change is something to be embraced.
yet there is that resistance. 
everything is new. 
running towards humility. 
when all you want is to do is express. 
" He caused the storm to be still, so that the waves of the sea
were hushed. Then they were glad because they were quiet,
So He guided them to their desired haven." Psalm 107:29-30
its that moment. 
releasing those ties. 
letting God bring peace. 
cause that is when healing starts to take place
where its going to happen. 

He is always there through ever storm.
by your side in the boat. 
experiencing every wave.
all the turmoil. 
the pelting raindrops. 
fierce winds.
there He is. 
outstretching His arm.
for you to take a grasp of His hand.
saying I trust you. 
wordless. but exchanged through action. 
He wants to go deeper.
draw closer.
reveal more extravagantly.
open your eyes. ears. heart. soul. mind. 
in His perfected ways. 

reminding you it takes time.
there is a process.
but through that process holding onto His hand. 
always directing your eyes to His.
laying down expectations. 
and embracing that still spot.
where He spoke words of affirmation.
to your heart. 

He is a good good Father.
He only wants what is best for His children.
change is good. 
cause He is there.
and it is Heaven desired. 
when you are walking in sync with our Creator. 

stroll through the fog. 
let the wind continue to blow. 
and the rain fall with ease.
because He has a reason for it all. 
for the season.
for the change.
let growth take root. 
embrace it. hold tight. and breath. 
in His love.
grace & mercy. 
grow in His watering. 
continue to be filled. yet continue to pour out around you. 
for He will always sustain. 
in every storm. 


  1. Been memorizing this verse during our transition... Maybe it will sustain you as well. "so do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you." Hebrews 10:35

  2. Wow!! I felt the despair at the beginning and the quiet calm at the end.
    God has given you a beautiful gift of written expression.
