Thursday, April 23, 2015


This is the longest I have gone in the last 6 years. 
with NOT moving. 
changing environments.

to be honest. 
its hard. 
no wonder I have been so emotional. 
because for once in my life (well the past 6 years) 
I am not focusing on my next move. next adventure. next change.

I am finally able to focus on myself.
and its hard.

I am exhausted of healing.
I don't even know how that is possible.
I don't want to dig any deeper in my heart and extract the pain and find the brokenness. 

I am exhausted of always crying. thinking. processing. 


but through it He is moulding me into the woman He dreamed of me to become. 
Slowly but surely. 
My heart is finally desiring not to 
conform to this world. 

I have never desired to experience God in these ways.
Never craved His love in such a deep way. 
To experience Him fill holes. Whisper words of love. Tell me He is right by my side through it all.

[[ I desire to be a woman of ]]
 -- > rooted wisdom. < --

Life here is hard. 
It is not what I expected.
I find myself wanting to be back in the states with my family. 
but I would just be giving up. again. 
and that is not an option for me. 
I want to glorify God and make the most out of the door He opened up for my life here. 
To make Him proud of the confidence that is growing in me. 
The skills. The new found love for my sisters in Christ. The fruitful things my mind is being consumed with.  

The life I am finding in Him is fulfilling. Full of joy. Full of colorful beauty. 
I have this deep unexplainable feeling that is somewhere inside me. 
I can't describe it with words or compare it to anything else I have ever felt.

maybe new passions are being planted in my heart?

{{ Everyday I crave to travel and explore this world. }}
To go and find the hidden gems that God has tucked away for the hearts that need it. 

My heart is yearning for adventure. 

the funny thing is...
I am on one. 
My whole life is an adventure. 
Australia. New Zealand. Haiti. Philippines. 
I am thankful. Blessed. 
But excited and ready for so much more. 

I can only imagine the places He will take me with the skills He is equipping me with. 
Women have babies everywhere. 
heck yes.
Thank you Lord.

What are your passions? dreams? desires? 
Where do you dream of going? 
What countries and cultures capture your heart?

In Christ's Love
Emily Elizabeth


  1. Proud of you sister! Praying for sweet time with your family in California.

  2. Proud of you for staying faithful even when it's hard! Love watching God's beautiful plan for you unfold! Hoping that plan cycles you back to Haiti! Miss and love you sweetie!
