Monday, May 19, 2014

Two. Weeks. Left.


I have 2 weeks left!

This time in 2 weeks I will be on a plane starting my summer traveling adventures. 

Kinda stressed. This is my itinerary for the next 2 1/2 months until I leave for the Philippines. 

Port au Prince -> Dallas -> Kansas City -> Billings -> Msp/St Paul -> Kansas City -> Marianna FL -> Kansas City -> Dallas -> San Diego -> DAVAO PHILIPPINES

Yes. There will be lots of time spent in airports & airplanes but I have 9 books that need to be read for school so I guess I will be a book worm : )

These last 14 days left on this island I am spending helping out my dear friends with their guest house. They are in the states and so I am here cooking for the teams that are serving in Haiti! Next week there will be 13 men here eeeeek. I am making Erin stay with me : ) 

>>>>>   Its been fun cooking. Trying new recipes. & having fellowship.   <<<<<

I am spoiled since they have a pool so while the team is out I soak up some sun : ) 

I don't really know what to feel yet. Am I sad, anxious, excited? 
Pretty much I go from one end of the scale to the other daily. 
All I know is it won't hit me until I am sitting on the plane flying to Miami that I won't be back here for a while.

I am ready for this new adventure. 
I am ready to go back to school and learn valuable skills for my future. 
I am ready to see my family & friends. 
I am ready for frozen yogurt, kale smoothies && some nepali food : ) 

Yesterday my mom informed me that two of her friends from their neighborhood are going to gift me with the funds for my books needed for school. When I read that message I started to cry. The books I need are not cheap at all. I have been surrendering my finances up go God for school as not having a "job" with a paycheck monthly has been hard to save money since living in Haiti does not come cheap either. 

In February I did a fundraiser to raise money for midwifery classes that I was going to do online. Since that isn't happening anymore, the funds that were given so generously will be going towards school supplies & tuition for my schooling in the Philippines. I want to say THANK YOU again for all of you who gave a financial gift towards my future. 

I trust God. This is His plan for my life. 

He won't leave me hangin now I hope. 

SO looking forward to seeing familiar faces & people that I love dearly. 

But I know that I am going to go through some major culture shock. 

I have no clue when I will be back on this beautiful island. I look forward to that day. But I am excited to see how God is going to lay out connections & experiences before me in this journey. 

I have been reading the book of Acts and seeing what being BOLD for God looks like in my life & how I can grow deeper in my faith. I think going to the Philippines and being able to actively show Gods love everyday in school will help along with spending time with the girls who are on this same walk in midwifery. I crave to know more and can't wait to delve deeper into my relationship and learn from my sisters in Christ. 

" And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great BOLDNESS in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power;  may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus." Acts 4:29-30

In Christ's Love
Emily Elizabeth

** would LOVE to see as many people as I can when I am home this summer. Lets set up a frozen yogurt date if ya want : )

Prayers Requests:
~ Peace & memories for these last two weeks spent in Haiti
~ Safe travels over the summer
~ Monthly Financial support for school the next 2 1/2 years
~ Health for those in Haiti that have been affected by the new virus that I like to call the Chimichanga virus

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck on your new venture!
    Just wondering why you weren't able to continue your last few months with Espwa Berlancia. What is status on Christella's mom and support for the other ladies? Were you able to raise funds for the furniture expenditure and move to new location. Love to hear an update before you leave.
