Wednesday, May 14, 2014

thank you mom.

Its been a while since I sat down to write.

its a beautiful day in Haiti. sitting outside. enjoying the shade and refreshing breeze. worship music. His Word. 
(and day 3 of detoxing : / craving fried plantains ) 

God blesses me to much with days like this to just spend time with Him. 
It won't be like this to much longer. 
I keep reminding myself I will soon be a student. busy. classes. reading. studying. delivering babies. learning from amazing women. 

This last Sunday was mothers day and I can't stop thinking about all the passionate, amazing, role models I have in my life who I call my mothers, sisters, best friends & sisters in Christ. 

I wouldnt be where I am today without these amazing women in my life. 
I wouldnt be going down a path that serves women in the most amazing experiences of their lives that only we were created for if it weren't for those women God has brought in my life. 

God has equipped us to nurture. 
To be emotional (sometimes too much) 
To support those around us. 

To live life as a community of women supporting each other in this fallen world. To lift each other up when times get hard. When we feel like everything is falling apart. To have a sister, a best friend, a mother to open up completely and trust is truly a gift from God. 

I am beyond blessed. 
To have women all over the world that I love and support and have that reciprocated back to me. 

Thank you Mom. 
For loving every single part of who I am. From loving me the moment you desired a third child. Being my biggest fan & sitting countless hours in hot pool decks & knoxing my hair for those million synchro meets. Putting up with my stubbornness through those dark days of my life and always making sure that I was okay. Gifting me with space when I lived across the world yet we both know how much I missed our long walks & nights with a glass of wine and our tv shows. Your countless prayers for safety as I live my life in a third world country.  And now your never ending support that strengthens me with this new chapter in moving back across the world and pursuing midwifery. Your journey of life has inspired me in more ways then you will ever know and I hope that one day when I have a child of my own that I will make you proud and love my babies purely as you have loved me. I thank you for never giving up on me. 

The women who I find my heart yearning to be in fellowship with, to laugh with, spend sweet sweet moments with, I couldn't be more thankful to look up to you all and have you as role models in my life. There are so many amazing women God has brought into my life and I want to say thank you to these who have loved me in ways I will never understand and pray that I have loved you back in the same way. 

I want to shout praises of joy whenever I think of how I will be living out the rest of my life, by women's sides during a time where there is so much pain and exhaustion yet so much joy and incomprehensible feelings of love for a child who is just starting their life. 

I can't wait to be a support in this way. To empower women in a simple yet greatly needed way. To use what I have felt & learned from those women in my life and pour it on those that will come my way. 

Something so special to be able to come together as women and have a bond that only we could ever know. 

To those women in my life, 
Thank you.
You enrich my life. You expand my heart. You build me up. 

 In Christ's Love
Emily Elizabeth


Prayer Requests:

- That God will be apparent in every moment that I have these last 3 weeks in Haiti.
- For safe travels this summer as I will be traveling to several different places
- For continual financial support while in school 
- A prepared heart for everything that will be new to me in school & the Philippines

I am in need/needing a few things for school. If you or you know anyone who would be willing to donate: 
Stethoscope, Fetal Heart Doppler, Blood Pressure cuff
                                               Please email me or let me know. Thank you thank you thank you
also I am required to observe 5 out of hospital births & 2 hospital births but it is becoming very difficult to find a midwife that will allow me to come and observe. If you know of any midwives, doulas or OBGYNS that you could connect me with, it would be much appreciated. Thankful for my connections : ) 

ALSO I would LOVE to connect with people while I am in the states this summer. I will be in Minnesota, Kansas City, Texas and Florida. Coffee or Frozen yogurt date would be lovely! 
Let me know as I will miss everyone dearly for the next 2 1/2 years!

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