Sunday, January 19, 2014

Motherhood. II

There is no one way to be a parent. to be a mother. 

My observations over my time here in Haiti on motherhood of Haitian women. 

Motherhood is different in so many ways. 

In Haiti its the women's responsibility to provide for the family, to put food on the table, pay for school tuition, provide for the everyday needs.

as well as….

Doing all the laundry, by hand, hunched over scrubbing clothes, then wringing them out and hanging them in the sun to dry, but only if there is enough water to do all the laundry. 

as well as…

Making all the meals if which they can afford. Sifting through all the rice and beans and any other food to make sure there are no bugs or rocks, then boiling water and cooking over a charcoal fire which takes twice as long. 

as well as…

clean the whole house, which isn't big but may consist of dirt floors, or tiles floors covered in dust as well as rest of the house which may be covered in dust. Her house might be a tiny little square or a 2-3 bedroom place. But this time of year, no rain, the dust piles up everyday. 

as well as…

Selling in the market place either fruits, veggies, clothes, just anything that they can sell to provide the average amount of $2.00 per day that most haitians make and live on. They sit all day in the heat, competing with the 20 other women selling the exact same produce. 

How are they supposed to take their children to the park to have a play date, how are they supposed to take a nap while their child is, how are they supposed to spend quality time when they have to work all day. 

This is not a 3rd world problem. Its a 3rd world reality. 
That 1 in 5 children will die before the age of 5 shows the lack of connection between mother and child and helps me to understand why I get so frustrated. 

There is no child care, there is limited school opportunities to those who have little income, therefore the children sit. They have little stimulation from those who are taking care of them because they are not their immediate family and do not love them as their own. 

Yet communities, women, come together to support each other. watch each others children while working. Those children may not receive the same attention but some of them are lucky enough to have several "mother figures" in their lives. 

The mothers, the women, the girls are taught from a young age that they are to provide everything. They are to fetch water, take care of the children, make the food, do the laundry. 

And what are the men doing? Well to be honest some do nothing and some do everything. Many are lazy and expect the women to cater to them. Many work very hard to provide for their families. One of my favorite sights to see is a dad carrying his child. Most times i see them dropping off or picking their child up from school. This warms my heart and makes me smile every time.

Motherhood is different here. Its different in the US. Its different in Australia. Its different in India. Its different in Peru. Its different everywhere. 

God did that on purpose I think. 

There is no one right way. 

But there is one right way to becoming the best mother you can be, and that is following our Perfect Father who loves us and desires so many things for us. Allowing Him to guide us and show us how we show our love to children, how we desire to mother our children, and how to raise up our children to be voices in this world for Him. 

Thank you to all those amazing mothers out there. Wherever you live, however you parent, thank you for doing everything you can do for your children. 

Haiti is teaching me so much. How can God use me to make a difference here? 

I believe He called me here to love these women in a way that is so specific, from the very beginning of becoming a mother. Going through a journey that is so unique to every women. 

To break that statistic that 1 in every 5 children die before the age of 5. 

Please join me. Please join me in loving these women. Please join me in begin apart of their everyday lives. Please join me in helping them with their laundry, cooking their food, taking care of their children. 

I need your help. I am learning that being a missionary you have to put aside your pride and ask. Specifically for financial funds. I do not like leaning on other people, I do not like being a burden to others lives. Yet I can't do what God has called me to do without YOU. 

I am wanting to begin my midwifery classes as soon as I can afford them. The 30 units together are $360 if I pay upfront. I will need to purchase books as well for studying. 

I would love to begin my classes next month but I have decided to fundraise the month of february. 

All I need is….

One person a day to do a ONE TIME GIFT of $20.   
------------> that is only 4 drinks at starbucks. <---------------

There are 28 days in february. I need ONLY 28 individuals.  That will allow me to enroll in classes and pay for the needed books. 


if you would like to join me in making a change here in Haiti, in these women's live, in what God is doing in this country…

CLICK --->
Then find my name. Schoneman, Emily - HAITI and follow the instructions to do a ONE TIME gift.

I thank you from the top & bottom of my heart. I am ready for God to use me in this way. To begin this calling. To educate women & catch some babies : ) 

In Christ's Love,

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