Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Living between palm trees.

Its beautiful.
How God has specifically chosen. 
a country.
a family.
a home. 
a community. 
a culture.
for each and everyone of us.

His sovereignty is flawless.

" He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since He is Lord of heaven and earth, He doesn't live in man-made temples, and human hands can't serve His needs - for He has no needs. He Himself gives life and breath to everything, and He satisfies every need. From one man He created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and He determined their boundaries." Acts 17:24-26

This past month was challenging to say the least. but it was full of God desired time to reflect on His blessings and desires He has tucked away in my heart.

Walking down this road He has chosen for my life.
I look back and am thankful for where my roots began. My families love and encouragement in my childhood that has allowed me to grow into the woman I am today. For the many mistakes that I learned from and those times that built me up for facing things in the future.

Learning the way people live is hard.
Understanding new cultures is difficult.
but there is so much beauty in the picture of seeing people with different backgrounds come together and support one another through the promise of our One Savior.

Its amazing to see how lives can be so drastically different.
On one side of the road there is comfort, convenience, and options.
On the other side there is careful decisions, uncertainty, and survival.

How God stretches us to go from one side to the other, is a down pour of His grace.

This month I saw a side of community living up close and very personal.
I lived more openly then I ever have before.

I experienced the good side of doors to houses being wide open.
But with those open doors came very little personal space.
The trust from one parent to another over their children's growth and protection.
A reality that most children around the world have a shortened childhood and grow up way to fast.
An apparent and visible faith in trusting that God will carry them through the day with full bellies.
A raw openness of the struggles of life.

I witnessed hospitality through the smallest acts.
That made the biggest difference on those days where I questioned why I was there.

Seeing all the kids playing and growing up with each other every day is a support system that I will never understand yet am so thankful that they are all living daily together.

>>Day in and day out of drying vibrant orange corn. 
>>Carabao's walking down the streets with sun beaten faced men in the driver seat. 
>>Children running around in dirty torn clothes but the only thing you focus on it their beautiful white smiles... some with little gaps. 
>>A mother in her comfortable squat position making suds and somehow miraculously getting all the dirt out of her sons favorite shirt. 
>>The smell of rain in the distance with promises of screams of joy & lots of splashing. also a free bath. 
>>Music that never faded and a beat that never stopped.  
>>Cockroaches that came out to say Hi at night and even have a sleep over with us. 
>>Mastering the perfect fire and cooking over an open flame. 
>>Seeing the difficulties of life through every line on a husband and wife's face.

Language barrier. 

Alone time with God. Palm trees full of coconuts. Long walks through rice fields, banana trees, bamboo made houses. Rural life. Farm life. 

God's words that penetrated my heart as He whispered them over and over to me these last weeks.

It is Okay. 

He is in that village. 
He is holding those children during those nights filled with fear. 
He is bonding relationships.
He is providing food for gurgling bellies. 
He is bringing healing. 
He is bringing His light. 

The peace in trusting Him is incomparable. 
The peace in my heart is comforting.

"It is Okay Emily. I have you right where I want you. I have given you these pictures of memories to place away in your heart to keep the fire going. Don't think about whats next, I have it all under control. Be right where you are. Trust in my sovereignty. I have something planned for you but that is for a surprise later down the road. Enjoy my love, protection, and desire for a deeper relationship with you. " - God

"He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord's, and He has set the world in order." 1 Samuel 2:8

I am thankful for this experience. it stretched me. deepened my trust in God for strength. 
Tomorrow. back in the clinic. 
Back in the classroom. 
New season. 
midwifery. here I come. 

Thank you for your prayers over the last month. For me. my friends. this experience. Your support. So blessed. 

In Christ's Love
Emily Elizabeth

** hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving. We had a roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and apple crisp... yes we cooked it all over an open fire.

** Thank you to everyone who prayed & financially support for my missionary visa. I GOT A 2 YEAR VISA. and we already got them stamped in our passports yesterday : ) such a relief.

** Planning to do a Christmas support drive. Got a beautiful ministry with an amazing cause that I cant wait to share with you and how you can not only help me but women in India.

** if you would like to know more about the last month I would LOVE to share more in-depth things of what God did and what I experienced. Please email me and lets chica-chica ( chat in visayan) or go to the contact page

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